"Loyalty is an inner attitude based on reciprocity. It is the decision to be committed and reliable because of shared values, interests and goals."
Café Lloyd's, like the Hotel am Schwanenhaus, is part of the Evangelische Behindertenhilfe Dresden und Umland gGmbH (EBD). Both properties will form a great symbiosis of lived hospitality.

The opening of the grocery store "CAP... der Lebensmittelpunkt" close to the city center opens up a new opportunity to create suitable jobs for people with disabilities and also to secure them in the long term. The Hotel am Schwanenhaus is pleased about the cooperation.

We act sustainably! Purezza eliminates the environmental impact of bottled water and significantly reduces costs. We are happy to make this possible for you and provide you with Purezza water in your rooms, at breakfast and in our MAXIbar.

In addition to ecclesiastical hosts, the host bakery at the Diakonissenanstalt Dresden makes cookies from the non-usable, with a mixture of eggs, flour and sugar. You can enjoy these on arrival in your rooms and at our MAXIbar.

"Restaurant Heiderand represents modern cuisine, grown from a long tradition - we offer international, seasonal cuisine combined in events and gastronomy. " - Martin Walter (chef and owner)

Founding a tea house away from the major seaports in Frankfurt was a bold step at the beginning of the 19th century. Developing the company into one of the world's leading tea brands in the top hotel industry is a 200-year success story based on quality, inventiveness and love of tea.

Weil die Murnauer Kaffeerösterei beste Qualität und Frische garantiert, wird mehrmals pro Woche geröstet. Das Ergebnis dieser hingebungsvollen Arbeit können Sie bei jedem Schluck schmecken: Ihre Geschmacksnerven werden es Ihnen tausendfach danken – und Sie werden unvergessliche Genussmomente haben!

Wir freuen uns sehr über unsere neue Kooperation mit dem TC Blau-Weiss Dresden-Blasewitz E.V. Wir unterstützen maßgeblich bei der Unterbringung der Bundesliga-Spielerinnen. Zusätzlich stehen zukünftig bei allen Turnieren als Partnerhotel zur Verfügung.
Natural cosmetics that place the highest value on natural active ingredients, proven formulas and an individual approach to application. The Natural Cosmetics include a wide range of face and body care products.

With the bed systems and textiles for the hotel industry tested for hotel suitability, "FBF... bed&more" offers guests worldwide unimagined freedom in the professional furnishing of the hotel.

"We believe that the best way to explore cities is by bike. With the help of our partner hotels, we want to make this possible for as many people as possible. This also benefits the environment and their health."

Beeindruckend. anders. Ein Fachbetrieb für die Herstellung von Stempeln und Schildern aller Art. Der Traditionsbetrieb steht von Beginn an für eine hohe Qualität und Kundenzufriedenheit. Die Palette der Produkte und Leistungen ist vielfältig. Unser Hotel strahlt nun mit einzigartigen Zimmernummern und Orientierungsschildern.

As a company, Stölzle Lausitz is like a strong tree: its roots reach far back into history. Since the Middle Ages, Lusatia has been a center of the art of glassmaking. The experience of entire generations gave and still gives Stölzle strength to weather the storms of time.
Mit Hilfe von Michael Jakob (Point Webart) gelang uns der Webauftritt des Hotel am Schwanenhaus. Er ist für das Programmieren, das Webdesign sowie für das Layout verantwortlich. Ihm gebührt großer Dank für die gute Zusammenarbeit!